We presented the Golden Trowel Award to Brother Toby Calhoun last night. RW Steve Sperry was present to assist WM Chad Conn present the award.

Brother Calhoun is a Past Master of Lubbock Lodge 1392 to which he held in 2000 – 2001, Past High Priest of Royal Arch Chapter #248, Past Thrice Illustrious Master of Lubbock Council of Royal and Select Masters #183, and Past Eminent Commander of Knights Templar #60.
Brother Calhoun received the Golden Trowel in 2004.
This is a rare occurrence for some lodges – to see a brother receive more than one Golden Trowel Award. Brother Calhoun is always available to assist in anyway he can. Rather it be helping cleaning the lodge, putting a wheel chair ramp in at a Brother’s house, esoteric work, or just teaching the “new guy” how to make coffee. He is always engaged.
Brother Calhoun – this award is well deserved and your brothers love you and respect you.