The West Texas Hilltop Association would like to invite you to the 58th Annual Hilltop Outdoor Masonic Degree on May 4th 2024. Tickets are currently on sale now.
In Memoriam of Bro. Finus Branham
Here is this year’s order of events.
- Reception and Introduction – Master of Ceremonies – Bro. James Clark
- 8:30 AM Opening of a Master Mason’s Lodge by host lodge Friendship/Wolfforth Lodge #1447
- Degree at 9:00 AM by the New Mexico District #8 Masons
- 11:45 the families and non-masons are welcome to join us for lunch and presentations
- Lunch of brisket and ‘fixen’s’ at 12:00 noon
- Reception and Introduction of Grand Lodge Officers, Special Guests, Out of State Dignitaries, and District Officers
- Guest Speakers
- Most Worshipful Grand Master Steve Almoner
- Famous Cowboy Poet Mike Querner
- Speakers from Scottish Rite, Shrine, York Rite, OES, Grotto, DeMolay boys, and Rainbow girls welcome to speak.
The West Texas Hilltop Association is made up of Masons from District #93 A&B. We welcome Masons from all over the U.S. to join us in fellowship and our outdoor degree.
West Texas Hilltop Association Officers
- President – Matthew Reynolds
- Vice President – Bob Chesser
- Secretary – James Clark
- Treasurer – Bill Cooper
The West Texas Hilltop Association meets at Wolfforth Lodge #1447 at 6:00 PM on the fourth Friday of the month starting in January until the meeting after Hilltop. We need your participation in these meetings!
The Hilltop location is at the historical Shoemaker Farm Home. Approximately 19 miles north of Post, TX on HWY 207 and CR 230. The home is on the south side of the road. The Tyler will be there to assist you. Signs will be posted on the east side of CR 230 telling you where to turn. 1284 CR 230 Falls, TX 79357.