The work of “Improving the Craft” is recognized when the Grand Lodge of Texas presents the Vanguard Award to lodges that meet prescribed standards in six different areas. Less than ten per cent of the lodges in Texas achieve this distinction.

For the 2012-13 Masonic year, Lubbock Lodge 1392 will receive the Vanguard Award at the December 2013 Grand Annual Communication in Waco. This award represents all the hard work and dedication our officers, members and past leaders have contributed to our continued success as a lodge. Our real strength has been it’s members. Lubbock Lodge is grateful to have good men and good Masons, because without them, such achievements as these would not happen.

This award covers the time period of Past Master Elmer H. “Coke” Etgen’s year in the East.



PM Joe Sanders, already a Golden Trowel Award winner, receives a special award  during the October stated meeting from the members of Lubbock Lodge for his tireless work for Habitat for Humanity, South Plains Food Bank, the lodge and the individual members themselves.

PM Etgen3

October’s stated meeting saw PM Elmer “Coke” Etgen receiving his Past Master’s apron from WM James Urban.
The PM’s escort, PM Joe Sanders, once again, is beside himself with joy for Coke.

Vanguard Award

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