Many of us attended the Officer Leadership Training, followed by the Grand Master’s conference this weekend held at the Scottish Rite building in Lubbock. The OLT is a great opportunity to meet new brethren, learn about the business side of our fraternity and see presentations of our esoteric teachings.

While attending the 301, we had several presentations on the esoteric teachings. Three of those were presented by local Lubbock brothers.

Brother Hogan presented on the History of Masonry in Lubbock. This was chalked full of interesting stories of how masonry came to Lubbock. The amazing hardships those brethren had to go through to visit/attend their lodges. The amazing charitable benefits they provided for the community and so much more.

Brother Hogan
Brother Bates

Brother Bates presented on the symbolism of the altar. This brought our attention to remembering the importance of our lodges and our place within the world and community. Reminding us of the solemnity each one of us have experienced.

Brother Wyatt presented on the symbolism of the first knock. It reminded us of the importance in answering candidates questions and the more meaningful place our decisions come from. It was a heart felt presentation.

Brother Wyatt

Brother Morton was our host and gave a great presentation with a forensic investigation into part of one of our ceremonies. It was thought provoking and I hope to share that within our lodge soon.

The weekend close out with the Grand Master’s Conference. Most Worshipful Tommy F. Chapman had been present all weekend and brought laughter, happiness, encouragement and fellowship to the brethren. It needs to be noted, for historical purposes, that the Most Worshipful was witnessed and quoted as saying “Brother Wyatt is a genius.”.

The Most Worshipful gave a heart felt message to the brethren – promoting brotherly love, community involvement, support of veterans and first responders, our youth groups, our appendant fraternal bodies, and the renewal of several programs from his previous year as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas.

As a personal note, I was very appreciative to witness the sincerity and simplistic approach to Texas Masonry the Most Worshipful communicated and demonstrated. Of a special note, and maybe a more personal one for me was the Most Worshipful’s top five priorities – “God, Country, Community, Place of worship, and Texas Masonry”. (I feel certain I noted those in the proper order as he stated them.) He explained without that order, we would not fulfill the meaning of Texas masonry. He promoted brotherly love, relief, and truth as the tenets of our fraternity. He encouraged us to be happy and communicate happiness in our daily lives and to promote peace and harmony.

It was a great weekend of brotherly love, fellowship, and learning.

Grand Master’s Conference & OLT

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