Lubbock Masonic Lodge 1392 is only one of several masonic lodges in Lubbock, TX. Our website will include information from and about other lodges and appendant bodies associated with Freemasonry.

Seeing how, when searching for Freemasonry in the Lubbock area, our site was ranked near the top, we thought we would open it up to other lodges and appendant bodies to share news, events, etc. A ‘one stop shop’ for all the Freemasonry happenings within and surrounding Lubbock.

The various lodges and appendant bodies in the Lubbock area uphold the teachings and business of freemasonry. To ensure peace and harmony prevail within this website we have elected to disable comments. This website will not be a platform for nonmembers, spammers, or the like to distract us from our principles. There are many other resources one can utilize to initiate those type of conversations.

We hope you find the site useful, and visit one of our local lodges or appendant bodies. A list of upcoming events with times and locations is on our Events page.


Lubbock Masonic Lodge 1392 A.F. & A. M.

Our website

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