Students from Maedgen Elementary School in Lubbock express their appreciation for their dental kits from the area Masons and the Masonic Home and School of Texas
Masonic Lodges in Lubbock and the surrounding area set a new record for the Fantastic Teeth Fan Club by providing nearly 6,000 first graders with free prevent tooth decay kits. “Through the efforts of 21 lodges, we gave away kits at 84 schools in 44 communities,” said Elmer “Coke” Etgen, project coordinator. Masonic Lodges participating in this awesome effort: Lubbock, Abernathy, Brownfield, Crosbyton, Denver City, Emma, Floydada, Lemond, Levelland, Littlefield, Mackenzie, Matador, O’Donnell, Olton, Post, Slaton, South Plains Daylight, Spur, Tahoka, Wolfforth-Frenship, and Yellowhouse.

Click HERE to see more pictures of the kick-off party!