
Mar 04 2013    
All Day

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2nd Annual International Masonic Day of Prayer

It is a day that the Masonic Family will March Fourth together seeking the blessing of Almighty God!

God said to King Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 NIV

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.   Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”

That place was King Solomon’s Temple, of which every Masonic lodge is a representation!

Let all who are part of the Masonic Family, husbands, wives, young, old, every Order and group, pray throughout the day and gather at our various lodges or place of worship at 12:00 noon on Monday March 4th and humbly pray:

* That God will heal our Masonic lands
* That He will reveal Himself to us
* That He will forgive our transgressions
* That He guide us in all that we do
* That He will fill our lodges once again
* That God will bless the Masonic Family
* That He will show us how to connect to and be relevant to a younger generation

May God help us to March Fourth with one united voice in power, purpose and with His blessing!

We have tried many things to revitalize the craft and to stop the decline of our numbers,

I believe it is time we turn to the Almighty for His help and blessing and for His Glory.

Let all who are part of the Masonic family spend time this day in prayer and ask God to bless us all!

Invite your friends and those in your place of worship to pray with you!

At 12:00 noon on March 4th, 2013, I will be in the Chapel of the Robert Russell Eastern Star Masonic Chapel.  Please if you are in Denver come and join me.

 Questions?   Contact – Rev. Steve Schroeder PM, cofirst@msn.comor call 303-809-7789

Blessings to you and yours,
Rev. Steve Schroeder PM
Pastor of The Master’s Community Church, Denver
Member of Centennial Lodge 84, Black Hawk Lodge 11,
Metro Chapter 157 OES and Denver Consistory

2nd Annual “International Masonic Day of Prayer”

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